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  Topic: Resolution Issue

Replies: 5
Views: 7872

PostForum: Technical Help   Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2017 10:29 am   Subject: Re: Resolution Issue
I did what Dave says here some time back and ever since my PC automatically gives me all the options, even after uninstall and reinstalls. .. a good work around.
  Topic: How to take a screenshot while playing BHD?

Replies: 6
Views: 7584

PostForum: Technical Help   Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2015 5:14 am   Subject: Re: How to take a screenshot while playing BHD?
Dunno about win 8 but ive got 7 pro and its worked for me since win 97 so i would take a punt on it
  Topic: Ideas & Suggestions

Replies: 21
Views: 22807

PostForum: DF:BHD New Projects   Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2015 5:13 am   Subject: Re: Ideas & Suggestions
Do like the idea of team colored clays, but i think the better way to solve this would be to turn Friendly Fire ON...... then we can all clay connie and andy all night long...hehehehe
  Topic: How to take a screenshot while playing BHD?

Replies: 6
Views: 7584

PostForum: Technical Help   Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 2:27 am   Subject: Re: How to take a screenshot while playing BHD?
i also use FRAPS, gives you the options to record screen shots,video and audio of your game play all with their own buttons.
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  Topic: Ideas & Suggestions

Replies: 21
Views: 22807

PostForum: DF:BHD New Projects   Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2014 7:25 am   Subject: Re: Ideas & Suggestions
Awww Cmon Mink, S&A was awesome, we know you'll do a great job....

BTW, have you heard anything on Eagle_eye,
ive tried to reach him a few times but havnt heard from him in ages.
  Topic: Ideas & Suggestions

Replies: 21
Views: 22807

PostForum: DF:BHD New Projects   Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2014 7:31 am   Subject: Re: Ideas & Suggestions
Nah, have it when conny pulls the trigger her guns disappear and she drops a smoke grenade...lol
change the script lines in the notification window so everyone know when conny or andy have been killed with a clay...

ok my first thoughts,
Suppressed rifles...at the cost of no handgun and nades if you select the suppressor
destructible buildings....soooo cool
is there any way we can do a hi def graphics mod???
and something that forces everyone to have the same ping and tick time as the highest in server.....even the lag for everyone
auto team balance that helps =RS= clan get on RED......promote team work and RS V others
Gore and dismemberment mod ( clay andy, paint the area red and bits everywhere...Mwuhahahahaha
Deployable med packs, imagine container parc, your about to assault "D" spawn, drop a med pack 1 corner back and when you die the peeps following can still have a chance...
Faster or instant weapon switch ( should be a simple script adjustment ) how many times have we failed to med someone cause it takes soooo long to switch, even using CTRL

Special pink camo for conny so you know when your about to kill her...and you can decide if its worth it or not
  Topic: Ideas & Suggestions

Replies: 21
Views: 22807

PostForum: DF:BHD New Projects   Posted: Sat May 17, 2014 10:07 am   Subject: Re: Ideas & Suggestions
oo oo oo oo ...... make something that makes conny come in game on blue team..ALWAYS...
  Topic: Resolution problem, game crash

Replies: 5
Views: 7916

PostForum: Technical Help   Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 2:34 pm   Subject: Re: Resolution problem, game crash
thanks, but it only sort of worked,

lets me up to other resolutions 1290, nothing above that will show, was trying for 1920x1080, but even when i set the higher levels, when i click OK to go back to menu it default changes to 1024x768, also, even though i made the file read only the DFV.CFG file rewrites itself back to default, interesting wouldnt you say...lol
  Topic: Resolution problem, game crash

Replies: 5
Views: 7916

PostForum: Technical Help   Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2013 1:15 pm   Subject: Resolution problem, game crash
Hi guys, I got a little but very annoying problem. The game will not let push my resolution beyond 1280X1024,

For a while it was letting me go all the way up, but it would sys dump me every time I tried to start it, uninstalled, re installed fresh, fresh dl of update,
crashes stopped but now it doesn't give me the option of changing resolution byond 1280.

my system is not a bad one, 8 core, duel video cards, 16Gb ram, that sort of deal, but is running Win7

I have program set to run as admin on .exe and shortcut

problem exists with native load or pinger,

Hope someone can help as its hard to play something like BF3 on max settings then come back to my fav game and have 10 year old resolution.....lol

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